Lesson 4 Story, Pondering and Meditation Assignments

Lesson 4               The story of , “Agan-tni’tsi’s Search for the Uktena”

The first part of this story reminded me of the world today and its dealings with religious intolerance and the struggles of the many denominations of the religions to be the most proclaimed and accepted across the world.  For me personally I believe that all religions have their place in this world, for each individual evolves spiritually at their own rate and that these religions each offer individuals a sense of growth and aid in their evolving process.  This is another topic all to its self.   Yet I was reminded of the ongoing battle of the religions that has taken place for a very long time. 

Then the story took a focused turning point for me, it then became about the journey of Agan-tni’tsi.  As I read his journey I was asking myself many questions.  What is this journey truly about and what is it telling me in my own life.

First was- Angan-tni-tsi’ finding the way of survival.  – To Know
Second was-how he would accomplish his goal. – To Dare and To Will
Third was-his commitment to that goal. – To Be silent and to Go

I think it is about staying true to self and your own knowingness.  Know thyself.   No matter what others fears or thoughts are.  Then put your goal in motion, allowing self to experience all things that you may encounter in that journey, yet maintaining your true focus of your goal.  Being committed to seeing it through, and finding the balance to achieve all that is necessary to reach that final place.  When one is successful in these journeys, growth and rebirth or evolving transpires and we are ready for the next journey or venture.

Blessings as Always,

Lesson 4               Pondering

What I have come to notice is that the stories, the ponderings and the meditations of each lesson appear to be related to each other.

This is tell me that one should trust in self, be constant in your vision and understanding, yet open to new knowledge.  Incorporate what works and keep moving forward.  Be mindful that everyone has their own interpretations and they are just a valid as your own to those whom hold them.  Respect the fact that each person including self is experiencing their own journey as are you in their own creation reality. 

Lesson 4               Meditation

Symbols to me are Keys, they allow one to connect to a new concept and helps to incorporate a deeper understanding of complex concepts.  It aids not only in association yet also in recognition for quicker recall.  The more one works with the symbol it become part of self and constant, and eventually one no longer needs to work with the symbol to recall the meanings, actions and/or mysteries associated with that symbol, it is part of self.

Blessings as Always,

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