Lesson 13 Project - My Shaman Altar

My project was to create an Altar for my Shamanic Course.  I meditated on this for a while and what is placed on the altar is what I was guided to place on it.  I will use this Altar for Shamanic work such as journeying, healing and honoring.


Lesson 13 Assignments

Cherokee Story – The Man Who Married the Thunder’s Sister

The first part of the story starts out for me showing how we sometimes are attracted to things that catch our physical senses, such as smell, sound and sight.  In this case I’m going with sound and sight.  The young man was first stimulated by the sound of music which invoked a form of shifting of consciousness and then his sight was caught by the beauty of the hair of the Sister, which activated emotion.  He appears to me mesmerized or affixed to this Sister.   Reacting to his senses he enlists the aid of the elder, maintaining the ways of his people and requests the girl in marriage (creating a conscious connection with Spirit Guides).  This would be an act of holding on to something we would consider a safety net and is linking us to the mundane. Then he is challenged to show his sincerity and commitment to his desire, for a 7 day fast and then to continue the journey by following the Sisters (Guides).  As we have learned our guides can appear to us in many forms.  If new to journeying some familiarities would lend way to confidence to move forward into the unknown as we build up our own trust and confidence of journey. 

This to me is his first steps on a Shamanic Journey, as we now move forward learning different strategies at journeying we start out with our more mundane and rational reasoning’s, which allows us to open gently to new perspectives.  Fear being stirred by the unknown or unfamiliar can cause us to second guess or over analyze our situation.  And sometimes even perceive them wrongly.  Still maintaining the desire to move forward he begins to build a trust in his guides the Sisters, as he approaches obstacles that appear to be threatening to his physical being (the waters) as he followed them through the realms to the underworld.

The next part of this story I felt should have set off some alarms for this young man, the fact of being completely secretive to point of causing death if not, and he being isolated from his people.  I feel that these two suggestions are more analogy then actuality.  This would be the first sign to move slowly and at a pace that would allow for interactions, understanding and communication.  Not to move so blindly, to allow your begin to feel self as one with the all.

The Turtle brought the young man the message of working between the 3 realms, its upper shell represents the heavens or upper world and its body is the earth realm or middle world, and finally its under shell represents the underworld.  Sitting upon the Turtle would allow the young man to move about the realms with ease at his own pace, in his own comfort zone which would open him to the messages awaiting him.  The Turtle showing its claws may have appeared to be a threatening action, yet I think it was the Message from the turtle to the young man to take his time and move at a pace that brings him peace and comfort in this journey. 

Turtle Guide is the Mother Spirit that brings us the messages from between heaven and earth and prepares us to listen to our voice within as we begin a new journey of discovery.  Our psychic skills are advanced and abilities to listen are heightened.  It is the journey leading to a rite of passage on both the physical and spiritual levels.  I would also like to note here that Turtle coming for the West is associated with water which is about our emotions as well.  Emotions can lead way to higher energies being stimulated and strengthened if understood.

I’m thinking it is possible that this journey is the quest of initiation by the Heyoka’s  (Thunder Beings) to bring this young man in as an apprentice.  This usually occurs at Sundance ceremonies.  This would also explain the need of disconnection to the tribe and life as he knew it, it is a transition into a rebirth as a spirit level evolution in the young man’s calling.

This would also bring us to the Snake spirit/guide now showing in the story.  Snake (Spirit Keeper) as we have learned brings us information needed for us to move forward in a spiritual rebirthing, initiation, transformation, and new Wisdoms.  Snake is healer and brings us clarity in thought, and opens new dimension, levels of awareness and creativity.  It also heightens our 2nd sight.

Now with all this being said, I also wish to state that this story is truly relevant to our leaning process at the moment as we are in fact actively transitioning into NOW Shamans, we are about to undertake our initiations as Correllian Shamans and as we work through our Medicine Wheels and Journey the Realms and Meet our Spirit Guides, Totems, and Power Animals we too are transitioning on a conscious level to bring this Spiritually heightened awareness into the now of our being.  Balance is key I will add as we become reunited on a conscious level as the Awaked Ones in this time in our universe as the new energies of earth, universe and human begin a transition on all levels, merging and transforming a new being of creation.  It is our calling to this course that allows us to become aware of our responsibilities to our communities as these transitions affect all life within our universe and beyond.


Again, I am lead to the thoughts of passage as we grow within and explore releasing the limitations we and others have created for our existence.  Stepping into the vastness of Universal existence allows us to become centered in the All of existence with broadened understandings and awareness.  It allows us to be and experience all that is for we consist of that all.  Know ones true self is to know the Universe.


Trying not to sound redundant, I think that the combination of my Story and Pondering answers as well my Meditation insight.

Blessings as Always,

Lesson 12 Project - Drum

Greetings to All,

I have uploaded my drum photos for lesson 12 project. I used an round oatmeal cardboard container. I painted it with white flat paint to prime it and then i did a waterfall scene on it. It has a great deep sound.

Blessings as Always,

Lesson 12 Assignments

Greetings to All !!!

Lesson 12 – Two Lazy Hunters

I love these “the moral of this story is” J

Both these stories carry the same messages as I see them.
1.        You only get out of your goals what you actively put into them.
2.       Being untruthful always spins a web you yourself get caught up in.
3.       The loses from deception are far greater than one realizes at the time of deception.


This pondering reminds me of two things:

1.        Our lesson in the 3rd Degree, Lesson 5 on the “Complexity of the Soul” and Possibilities.
2.       On astral travel where we intentionally travel and seek out a specific aspect of our soul or some may call it a Doppelganger, and retrieve information through energy transfer to bring it back into the present to affect our choices at hand.


When we align our self with Earths Heart Beat/ Universal Heart Beat, we are consciously active in the oneness, creating clarity and knowingness from within the all of which we are.

Blessings as Always,

Lesson 11 Project - Rattle

Lesson 11 Rattle Project

I used a dried gourd for my rattle.  I tried to keep my materials as natural as I can.  I painted the entire gourd blue since I am from the Blue Feather Camp.  I then painted the Correllium on it, above the Correllium sits an Eagle and below the Correllium are three Eagle feathers.

The Correllium is for our Tradition (Tribe) to honor it.  Many of our founding ancestors are with mixed bloods including Native American, (Cherokee) and to honor this class of Correllian Shamanism.  The Eagle, seated above the Correllium is for Guardianship, Protection, Community, Power, Vision and Inspiration.  The Eagle Tail Feathers below the Correllium is for strong healing power, that no matter the blows we Correllian’s may bare or our Tradition as a whole, that we will weather these blows in the healing powers of Great Eagle and embrace the opportunities, insights and skills offered to us with clear focus and determination.

One the other side of my rattle, I placed 2 Crows, one flying upward and one flying downward.  This is also a representation of Yin and Yang, bringing balance to all things.  The Crows are the messengers between the worlds, Crow flying up takes our messages to the other realms and Crow flying downward, brings us messages from the other realm.  I wanted to create an open line of communications between the realms to aid me in my journeys.  I also added a Bear Claw print to call in protection, strength and continuation.  Honoring Bear as Warrior, for the true warrior is the peacemaker.  Bear shows us this by its character, peacefully existing in the wild eating from shrubs and berries displaying tempered ways, yet if the Bear becomes threatened then it is a most powerful and furious creature.  Bear is very protective of its children even to the point of its own death.  So I ask Bear to walk with me in my journeys, not only protecting me, yet teaching me the ways of true Warrior.  Lastly you will notice the images of a Circle which contains a Square (also known as the Circle Squared) and in the center of the square is a centered dot.  This symbolizes the unity of Spirit and Matter.  The pathway of oneness, that we are never disconnected and that the knowledge and wisdom that we strive to find is ever present within.  This is symbolic of our journey of reconnecting on a conscious level to a higher consciousness.  The centered dot represents the all-encompassing oneness of infinite existence.

My photos are posted in the group.

Blessings as Always,

Lesson 11 Assignment

Lesson 11  Story – The Cherokee Gods and Their Abiding Places

I enjoyed this story, yet I did not get a lot of new information from it.  Most of what was in the story has been what we have been learning in the Animal medicine portion of making our medicine wheels.  The clarity in this story for me was that the healer or medicine person would call upon the related predatory animals to remove the ills.  I also think that though the healing takes place and traces of the ill is still left behind reminds me that the healers can only do so much to bring about the healing and the patient must actively participate in the healing process.  “Gods help those that help themselves”.


The pondering reminds me of my thoughts on contractual incarnation process once we have left this human form.  In the other world we go through a process of awareness and then a process of introspection or review and then finally we go into the process of planning the next incarnation.  During this process we have what I call our soul family, our soul helpers and soul extras for lack of a better word.  We contract on who will be our next mother and father, sister and brother if any.  These are very intimate relationships and are usually the same soul family throughout our incarnations.  Yet we may be the child in this incarnation, in the next we may be the mother or father in the next.  These are the lessons or the main lessons of the heart we will learn.  Then we contract with our soul helpers, these are the souls we contract with to come into our lives in our incarnation to reflect the lessons we have to learn in the next incarnation or to continue work that we started in the past incarnation.  Because we have free will and our choices are ours to make, no matter what we planned on, depending on those choices we may need our soul extras to pop in there and reflect or remind us of different aspects and lessons associated with that particular choice.

Now with all that being said we also have the concept of Live Conscious Contractual Incarnation and many of our Soul Extras will play a big part in this aspect.  This is where we have our trusted ones in the physical world that will assist us both in this physical realm of the now and in the other worlds once we pass over to complete a planned incarnation.  These trusted helpers will watch for signs of our incarnation and once determined we are the incarnate they will assist us in remembering our plans, so that we may continue the work we were doing in the this life (for our helpers) or (recent previous life of the incarnate). 

Ok, I’ve gone on about this idea long enough LOL


I would say, I agree with this thought.  Since all realms are simultaneous.  A feeling or event about to happen is the future, when it happens it is the present and a moment after it happens it is the past.  All possibilities are playing out at the same time on different dimensions there for every aspect of that joy is experienced as well.

I may be a little off base with these, yet these were my thoughts and feelings when I read the assignment.

Blessings as Always,

Lesson 10 Project - Mojo Bag

My mojo bag is made of burgundy velveteen fabric with silver shining stars and moons and a golden ban at the tip.  It is closed with a golden tie thread.

Within my Mojo bag I have placed the sacred holy waters of life, incense I prepared to aid me in my sacred journey within the realms.

Bay Leaf - Stimulates psychic powers.
Cinnamon - Burned as an incense to stimulate spiritual power and psychic awareness.
Lemongrass - Provides clarity of thought, sharpens psychic awareness.
Lotus - Stimulates spiritual power.
Sage - Used to strengthen spiritual energy, cleansing.
Mint- Used in protection, healing and cleansing.
Basil- Used for protection
Clove: Protection from psychic attack or intentional magic attack

a piece of Azurite, it is associated with the 5th, or Throat Chakra but is also associated with the 6th, or Third Eye/Brow Chakra and 7th, or Crown Chakra.  It is most especially used in association with the Third Eye as a powerful vision enhancer; it can balance, stimulate and empower it all at once.  Azurite will also work to align all seven chakras

 Lotus oil, a burning dish, sand, charcoal, fire striker, a scroll of the words below, I printed my scroll on a background paper of the sacred geometric Flower of Life.

Sigils/Symbols of protection and psychic power are:

The right eye (eye of the soul, by which it looks to the eternal.  This symbol allows focus on higher, finer spiritual vibrations. It also ascertains the infinite nature of our soul, and our capability to tap into the infinite universe). 

Fire, (this ancient alchemy symbol represents divine energy, purification, revelation, and transformation). 

Quincunx:  (An arrangement of five figures within a square. Historically, it has infused the worlds of nature, man and the stars. As an ancient alchemy symbol, it represents the whole being more than the sum of its parts. In the alchemical mineral world, the quincunx occurs in the formation of metals, in atomic structures. Additionally the quincunx represents (wo)man's ability to cross from four to five his/her nature. Meaning we all possess the four levels of physical matter (stone, plant, animal, man) and we are able to ascend from these four elements to the final fifth which is godlike or enlightened stature).

The shaker I made from a gourd back in the 90s and a smudging fan is one of the project I did for this class.

I begin by cleansing with a sacred bath.  I wear clothing I only use in ritual or journeying, Yes, I’m from the old school and believe in the sacred acts, so whenever possible I do all I can to aid in my shift of consciousness and sacred mind set.  I then, cleanse, ground and center myself.  Cleanse and Bless my sacred space.  I bring my focus to the here and now and take one step the side to shift myself into a sacred place between the worlds.  I dress my candles with the lotus oil, light my candles and incense and fan the incense about me and this space.  I recite the words listed below.  I then begin by journey by using my shaker.  I am also a rocker when in meditation/trance.  I feel and hear the drums within me and rock to the rhythm of their beat.

I Am Priestess

I am one with the Sun and the Moon
I walk upon Mother Earth and Swim in her waters
I call to the Wind, the Fire, the Water and the Earth
And they answer me.

I can hear the whispers of the winged ones
Watch and understand the salamanders
Telecommunicate with the Undines
And see and respect the trail of the Gnomes

I am Sister to them all
For they all are part of me
It is the breath I take that gives life
The passion and will that moves me
The emotion that allows me to feel
And the stability and desire to bring it all together again

I am one with the Sun and the Moon
I walk upon Mother Earth and Swim in her waters
I call to the Wind, the Fire, the Water and the Earth
And they answer me, for we are one.

Air, breath of life from the beginning of creation, cleanse and open my mind.  Prepare me for this sacred journey that my mind may be open to the wisdom and guidance to be shared and the clarity to understand it.

Fires of creation and transformation cleanse me now of all ill and bane.  Prepare me for this sacred journey that I may move among the realms and be a beacon of divine light.

Waters of life, from the first drop that fell into creation, purify me as I prepare for this sacred journey, that I may pure in heart, mind and action.

Earth the foundation of the first spark that became my physical home that I manifested within.  Prepare me and my way in this sacred journey that I may know the purest of foundations and stability, that I may be filled with the strength and the gentleness of creation as I move between the worlds.

I commit myself to this journey, may I be filled with the knowledge and guidance to be a benefit to my higher good and to the good of all.  May my guides and guardian be with me and protect me, keeping all ill and bane at bay as I move through the realms of this sacred journey.

This is my will, So Mote it Be

My sigil/symbol meanings came from www.symbolic-meanings.com

The piece titled “I Am Priestess” is copyrighted
Lady Katherina
Written August 6th, 2009
© Copyright Protected 2009-2013

My camera batteries are charging, as soon as that’s done I will take my photo of my mojo bag and add it to the photo file in the group.

Blessings as Always,

Lesson 10 Assignments

The Story:  Ataga’Hi, The Enchanted Lake

What a beautiful story!!!  The healing waters of Mother Earth pouring from the cliffs to create a sacred healing lake for her creatures.  Having faith in all possibilities and opening our self to the inner gifts we have allows us to see what many using only the human eyes cannot.


In the moment of realization of discontent, or mishap we are actively in the present, whether or not it occurs at the time it happens or later.   Our sub consciousness brings it forward to the conscious for us to learn and be aware.  From this point we make our decision of what we will manifest in the future.  All of which is still in the present.  As we empower and will it to be, we send it forth and change is made, there for we are actively changing the past before it has a moment to manifest into our future, for once manifested it is past acts.


Well, once I read this meditation tonight I realized why I got the auto writing I posted earlier.  Therefore I think my writing says it with more pose and grace then I can explain it.

.  The Key

My Body is middle earth
My Aura is the translator from all around
My Chakras are the source of all realms

I am the universe by all it holds
The creator of all that is within its realms
That extends beyond even my existence

I am the light and darkness
The power of will and desire
The emotion and mental
The fires of transformation
The womb of all creation

I am the oneness that holds all tides
Within the stillness of chaos
My core is all possibilities to which can be obtained
Touch the stillness and reach into its living heart
The treasures are ageless and exist to be found

My Body is middle earth
My Aura is the translator from all around
My Chakras are the source of all realms

My love of the God and Goddess is what binds them into the All of oneness
True seekers can be found within the realm of wisdom
Within the realm of Love
The key is the spark that is the torch of our hearts

Lady Katherina
© 1-20-2013

Now off to work on my project the Mojo Bag J

Blessings as Always,

Lesson 9 Project

My project for Lesson 9 was to take a photo of my altar tools that represent the 4 elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth.

East - Air - I have 2 feather fans
South - Fire - An Athame
West - Water - Chaldron
North - Earth - Large Crystal and an Azurite

Lesson 9 Assignment

Lesson 9 Story

This story tells me of a few lessons to be mindful of.  It is about balance between the spiritual and the physical.  It is about ascension and about magical creation.  As Above; So Below, One in and of the same. Conscious unity of awareness.  All are the wholeness of creation.


Creating our own reality by means of manipulation energy infused with the instilment of our desired outcome.


Acceptance of true self is the means of conscious travel, communication and manifestation of reality within all realms of existence.  

Lesson 8 Project

My project for Lesson 8 was to paint a galaxy of choice, a constellation and a nebula

I choose the Milky Way, Orion Constellation and the Great Orion Nebula.  I also did a meditation on the Milky Way Galaxy.

The Milky Way Meditation

As I meditated on the Milky Way, I felt myself being drawn into its magnetic pool.  It was though I was standing on the out skirts of the entire galaxy and could view its entirety.  At first I resisted the pull of the magnetic field and then I began to relax and allow myself to be guided through this amazing journey.  I had the sense that there was a lot of fast moving activity happening around me, yet it appeared to me to be in slow motion.  I saw the gases or clouds as if it was the embryonic fluid source of all that resides within this galaxy.  I was surprised that once I was within the vastness of this galaxy I experienced the overwhelming feeling that I was at a oneness with the all, I can’t quite explain it, it is different than feeling you are part of it, it is more like you are it.

As I moved closer to the center I felt an unmeasured sense of chaotic movement and whirlwind type sensations.  Almost like being in the mists of a vortex, then all of a sudden I was in a place of stillness, a very eerie stillness.  A place absent of all movement and sound, just complete stillness.  I felt my heart begin to race and came up out of the meditation.

Lesson 8 - Story - Meditation and Pondering Assignments

Greetings to All,

Lesson 8               Correllian Shamanism


Daughter of the Sun

Don’t let rivalry get the better part of you, for over compensating to rival over can cause more loss then gain.  Be honest and forthcoming to make change, trickery and deceit will always fail in the end.  Kindness, caring, laughter and joy can turn the darkest day to illuminate a life.

What Stars are Like

Illuminated life seeds from the universe, down to earth to sow its’ will and up again to watch over and guide.


The world as we see it is a mirror of our own reflections.  As above, so Below, As the universe so the Soul, as Within, so without.  We are the creators of our experiences and by our reflections within we make our choices, these choices we witness as our life’s events.  Smile and the world will smile with you, cry and you shall have many a gloomy and rainy days, live by dishonor and deceit and you shall know no truth or respect. Live in love and joy and you will know love and experience much joy.


Believing in the Star people as I do, this concept is a reality to my psyche.  I am seed of the star people therefore I am of the star dust, that which illuminates the wisdom within and brings it forth in this realm to be shared by all that desire to bring forth the light of the universe.  We all have this gift to share once we come to understand and embrace it.  It is found in the stillness.

Blessings as Always,

Lesson 7 - Story - Meditation and Pondering Assignments

Lesson 7               Correllian Shamanism


I like the story of the Stone Man.  I will admit it has made me think on it for a long while because I see many possibilities of the stories meaning.

When I began to read the story and envision the description of the old man, my first feelings were he was a sage, carrying his magical staff.  I thought his staff was like my staff or wand or even like my dowsing rods in another form.   I have used all three of these items to find and locate something at different times.  I also felt he was blind and was using all his senses to find his way in the physical word, hence the sniffing.  Relying on his higher gifts to see him through.

Using his staff to create a bridge of crossing to me was the old man again using his higher self and gifts to manifest a solution to a need.  I felt the young hunter after seeing this manifestation reacted in fear of the unknown.  As I am sure many have had the similar reactions when faced with their first encounters of the spirit world or witnessing a phenomenon of some kind.

Throughout this entire story I never had the sense or feelings that this old man was of ill will or imposed a treat.  What I felt strongly was the fear reactions from the young hunter and then it fueled by the medicine man in which caused a domino effect in the tribe.  I did not hear of any idea of communication with the old man to affirm or rule out his intentions.  Only going by stories told and assigning to this man without confirmation.  This too is another action made out of fear.

When the old man reached the trail to the tribe and came to the woman, I found it odd that he called her “My Granddaughter” and the next he called his “Daughter”.  This made me feel as if he was Ancestral to this tribe and trying to communicate this to them and was returning or presenting himself to them. 

The treatment of this old man reminded me of the witch trials and the actions of hysteria of the unknown and wild stories or untruths.  What they found beneath the ashes reminds me of what one may find after burning items in a high temp fire.  His staff being shinny and such could have been made of some form of metal or metals and melted down and cooled leaving what appeared to be a stone, the red paint could have be the residue or by product of the chemical changes that took place in the melt down.

I ask myself why did the medicine man keep the stone and paint the members of the tribe with the remains of what was considered ill willed or evil?  Would not the stone carry the essence of the old man and his trauma like residual energy?  Just thoughts that passed my mind when trying to understand the actions in this story.

I still have not come to the understanding of the effect of the women’s menstrual blood on the old man.  I’m still contemplating that.

What we put out to the universe is reflected back to us.  Like attracts Like.  I believe the key is to use this reflection, depending on the type of reflection, to either heal the imbalance or continue to move forward as you are.


To me the ears we use in sleep are the ears of the higher self, receiving untainted messages.  What we receive in sleep is not subject to outside, physical stimuli.  The ears we use when we are awake are affected by this stimuli and ping within us causing our minds to try to translate what is coming through.

Blessings as Always,

Lesson 7 Project

My lesson 7 project was to write my own chant.  I started out and ended up writing a short song more then a chant.  It kept bothering me that I hadn't written the chant so I ended up writing a chant too LOL.

Since I can't figure out how to add a sound file on here I can only list the words of each.

Project 7              Correllian Shaman           Chant

Circle Round

Sisters, Brothers, Join with me
Circle Round and Magick Keys
We are the power, We are the will
We are the magick this night we till
Spinning, Weaving, Circle Round
Brothers, Sisters, Creation Bound
Love and Peace, Wisdoms Keys
By our will, So Mote it Be !

©copyright protected 2013
Rev. Zaina Katherina Ghazzoul

In Honor of the Goddess

Remember Me.

When the rain comes
And the winds blow
Remember me, for I am the essence of your soul

When the sun warms your skin
And the Earth moves
Remember me, for I am the song in your heart.

As the Wheel turns and you grow
Remember me, for I am the chime of the inner bell that rings and sparks within you.

Remember me and let your candles glow in my honor
As your day begins and comes to its end, Remember me within.

© copyright protected 2013
Rev. Zaina Katherina Ghazzoul