Lesson 6 Project

My project was to draw one of my totem animals.  Although I am not a very good artist out side of florals, I gave it my best shot.  So here is Owl about to take flight.

Blessings !

Lesson 6 - Story - Ponderin - Meditation

Lesson 6

Story – Origins of Disease and Medicine

As I sat and read this story, it invoked mixed feelings within me.  I could feel the joy and sadness of each group.  The unity when all were one and the pain of division and separation.

I could relate to their hardships and injustice imposed upon them.  The sadness filled me and then I felt their anger and finally their despair.  They carried within them the will and desire for survival yet their emotions swarmed over them, clouding any means of clarity for finding a positive and peaceful resolve with the humans.  To bring them insight of the harm and hurt they were inflecting upon the groups.  Through this anger the lines of communication are rendered null, hence the humans and the groups lost the way, they could no longer speak with each other.

The plant group watched and listened.  In their calmness they found a way to maintain a positive relationship.  They taught the humans to respect the plant nation and that through that respect plant nation would teach them the art of medicine, to cure that which is inflected upon them by the other groups and to be able to overcome the ill.  Yet the big lesson was the wisdom that these ills could be avoided if respect and the willingness for all to coexist was at the first thought of all.  The knowledge of oneness, the knowledge of compassion for all allows us to be at peace and tolerant of the differences and find joy in the common ground.  It allows us to share our earth-Mother to us all in one.


To know thy self brings Clarity
Clarity brings forth self-truth
Self-Truth brings trust
Self-Trust brings peace with be part of oneness

Many nations joined in the oneness of all that was, is and shall be, carrying and sharing in the common thread within.

Lesson 5 Projects

I so enjoyed this weeks projects !!! :)  I made my staff and I made a tote set.  I cut and sewed a tote, a pouch for my stones and a cloth medicine wheel.  In my tote I will carry, my Medicine Wheel cloth, Stones in pouch, Smudge fan, white sage, shaker, lighter, and holy water.  I'm so excited.  I used a black pillow case to create all of them, I chose black for repelling negativity.  I used fabric paint to decorate my Wheel cloth, stone bag and tote.   I uploaded pics to the photo section.

I hope everyone had as much joy as I felt doing this project :)

On to Lesson 6 :)

Love, Hugs and Blessings,

Lesson 5 - Story - Pondering - Meditation

My thoughts on “The Hunter and Selu” story:

To me this message is one that tells the tale of human doubt and disappointment and how we allow it to manifest itself through our emotions.  When we try something and fail we become disappointed and begin to expel those energies out and like attracts like and they tend to repeat themselves because we have lost our belief and/or self-confidence.  Many times in dream state the Ancestors, Spirit Guides, Deity and Totems will reach out to us and offer guidance.  We wake from these dreams and either don’t recall them or dismiss them most of the time.  It is when we listen and follow the guidance that has been gifted to us that we begin to see a change take place, a change in our view, our emotions and our confidence.  Being blessed by guidance we should show thankfulness and share what we reap, be it corn, information, or joy.

Pondering:  The pondering relates to the story.   I have said many times that the only failure one faces in life is the one that one creates.  We are powerful beings and have the ability to create whatever it is we wish in this life, our downfall is self-doubt or broken will.  Both of which we allowed to happen by our choices in the situations presented.  One must heal from this by forgiving self for giving up.  There is always another option that we could explore.  By forgiving self it allows us to become open and attentive again and able to tap into the wondrous resources both around and within us, including our Guides and Ancestors.   Believing in self is honoring that guidance.  Trusting that guidance and acting upon it is the steps of creation.

Meditation:  A great reminder to smell the roses.  The majority of the Human race gets caught up in the illusions of the mundane.  Getting caught up in the rat race is one of the biggest.  This stifles our awareness and creates illusion walls that block us from true self, our joy, our peace and our spiritual growth.   We become disconnected.  It is like the mind, it has been allowed to run random, always moving in random thoughts, this blocks/interferes with focus.  It isn’t until we quiet the mind and become reconnected with the all that stillness takes place, through this we gain peace and joy, guidance and knowledge.  Bringing this to a conscious active state is reconnecting with the keys and elements around us.  Finding that balance between both worlds is when true stillness and creations are experienced.  So stop for a moment and take in the fragrances of nature, or spirit, of all that is nourishing to the soul.  Breath !

Lesson 4 Project

My project for lesson 4 was to create a journal of my course work for The Correllian Shaman Course.  This Blog is part of that assignment in addition to my hard copy journal I'm keeping.  Both are on going projects as I continue through this awesome course.

Lesson 4 Story, Pondering and Meditation Assignments

Lesson 4               The story of , “Agan-tni’tsi’s Search for the Uktena”

The first part of this story reminded me of the world today and its dealings with religious intolerance and the struggles of the many denominations of the religions to be the most proclaimed and accepted across the world.  For me personally I believe that all religions have their place in this world, for each individual evolves spiritually at their own rate and that these religions each offer individuals a sense of growth and aid in their evolving process.  This is another topic all to its self.   Yet I was reminded of the ongoing battle of the religions that has taken place for a very long time. 

Then the story took a focused turning point for me, it then became about the journey of Agan-tni’tsi.  As I read his journey I was asking myself many questions.  What is this journey truly about and what is it telling me in my own life.

First was- Angan-tni-tsi’ finding the way of survival.  – To Know
Second was-how he would accomplish his goal. – To Dare and To Will
Third was-his commitment to that goal. – To Be silent and to Go

I think it is about staying true to self and your own knowingness.  Know thyself.   No matter what others fears or thoughts are.  Then put your goal in motion, allowing self to experience all things that you may encounter in that journey, yet maintaining your true focus of your goal.  Being committed to seeing it through, and finding the balance to achieve all that is necessary to reach that final place.  When one is successful in these journeys, growth and rebirth or evolving transpires and we are ready for the next journey or venture.

Blessings as Always,

Lesson 4               Pondering

What I have come to notice is that the stories, the ponderings and the meditations of each lesson appear to be related to each other.

This is tell me that one should trust in self, be constant in your vision and understanding, yet open to new knowledge.  Incorporate what works and keep moving forward.  Be mindful that everyone has their own interpretations and they are just a valid as your own to those whom hold them.  Respect the fact that each person including self is experiencing their own journey as are you in their own creation reality. 

Lesson 4               Meditation

Symbols to me are Keys, they allow one to connect to a new concept and helps to incorporate a deeper understanding of complex concepts.  It aids not only in association yet also in recognition for quicker recall.  The more one works with the symbol it become part of self and constant, and eventually one no longer needs to work with the symbol to recall the meanings, actions and/or mysteries associated with that symbol, it is part of self.

Blessings as Always,

Lesson 4b Medicine Wheel Notes

Lesson 4               Medicine Wheel Notes

Using Medicine Wheel for Divination and Finding Totems

Animal Placement chart

East        1.  Crow
                2.  Owl – Warrior
                3.  Raven
                4.  Humming bird
                5.  Eagle – Spirit Keeper

South    6.  Fox
                7.  Ant
                8.  Butterfly
                9.  Spider – Warrior
                10.  Snake – Spirit Keeper

West     11.  Skunk
                12.  Frog
                13.  Otter
                14.  Turtle
                15.  Rabbit – Spirit Keeper

North    16.  Stag
                17.  Mouse – Spirit Keeper
                18.  Beaver
                19.  Wolf – Warrior
                20.  Squirrel

Cross Quarters
                21.  NE  Dragonfly
                22.  SE  Hawk
                23.  SW  Raccon
                24.  NW  Bear

Center  25.  Star Nation
                26.  Plant Nation
                27.  Cosmic Waters Nation
                28.  Stone Nation
                29.  Center, Above, Below

How to preform Divination

Need:  Stones, Paper and Pen

Questions:  What medicine was in my life (past)
                      What medicine is in my life (present)
                     What medicine will be in my life (future)

Place medicine wheel on the table
Place animal stones in there correct positions
Burn incense for focus and clearing
Ask each question.  Bring yourself back to that time in your life and what your felt.  Then select a stone that represents that particular time period in your life.  Write it down on paper

1.       Bring yourself back to the time of birth-puberty.  Think early childhood to puberty.  As you are thinking of this time in your life select one stone.  Which stone closest represents that time in your life.  Write it down and place stone back on board.
2.       Puberty – young adulthood.  Independence.  What did you experience, what were your hopes and dreams?  Then select a stone.  Write it down and replace the stone on the board.
3.       Adult-retirement.  Consider what you feel and experience and what you expect.  Now select a stone.  Write it down and replace it on the board.
4.       If a woman – Consider Crone stage-death.  Select a stone.  Write it down and replace it on the board.
5.       If a man- Consider Sage stage-death.  Select a stone.  Write it down and replace it on the board.
6.       Think about NOW- Select 2 stones ( called walk along stones or go along stones)  Write them down and replace them on the board.
Tell your seeker what each animal represents, the colors and the position of the stones.  Give the seeker the note sheet to take home.

Lesson 4 - Animal Medicine Notes

Lesson 4                               Animal Medicine

Between numbers 1 and 3 place a circle, this represents NE, this is the cross quarters of the Wheel.

21        NE – Dragonfly
·         Companion for life to a person.   Its energies will always remain with you.
·         Light Power – Ancient, over 1800 million years ago, Primordial Energies
·         Fly fast – This should as us are we moving too fast or too slow
·         Direction – They change in direction in an instant.  So should we look at what direction we are taking, Should we change direction?
·         A warning – There will be a change and it is coming quick.
·         It reminds us that we have other options to look at and consider or follow up.
·         Dragonfly can see 40 miles away – So are we seeing clearly?  Are we looking far enough in the distance or are we just taking in what is on the close surface?
·         It inhabits 2 realms – Air and Water – they live under the water as they grow, as they mature they live on land until they are ready to fly.  So they have lived in really 3 realms, Water – earth and air.
·         Transformation – Tells us to attune to all 3 elements.
·         Emotion and Mental – balance these two aspects
·         They are light benders
·         They are very involved with color magick, every color has its own vibration – they are able to work with them all.
·         They are adaptable
·         Their season is Summer
·         They love illusion
·         They love to wake you up from illusion.
·         Some believe at some time they were dragons
·         They are part of the fairy realm
·         They love Sun and light
·         Look for change to occur
·         Reminds us that when we see our own light, that change is not far behind.


22        SE – Hawk
·         Guardianship
·         Strong visionary power
·         New Moon energies
·         Keen eye sight
·         Strongly tied to the kundalini
·         Primordial energies
·         Rapid development of psychic energies
·         Balance
·         Reminds to be observant of all things around you
·         Warns to be careful how we express ourselves to others.

23        SW – Raccoon
·         Dexterity
·         Loves water-washes food
·         Enjoys sense of touch
·         Nocturnal
·         Seasons – Spring and Summer
·         Adaptable – are you exploring enough?
·         Crossing dimensions
·         Represents making masks
o   Masks are keys and a means of shifting consciousness
·         Be more courageous in life
·         Focus on self defense
·         Very sociable

24        NW – Bear
·         Awakening of unconsciousness
·         Represents lunar energies
·         The Goddess
·         Symbol in alchemy – time and matter
·         Represents initial stages
·         Honoring the first steps
·         Primal instincts
·         Resourceful
·         Survivors
·         Tap into resources never used before
·         The Bear Den is where we go when we tap into resources never used before
·         Bear = Soul
·         Kidneys – works with kidneys
·         Ushers in discernment
·         Check your judgment
·         What is beneficial to use
·          Are you wearing rose colored glasses?
·         Proclaims to make decisions from a position of Power.  The position of Power is SILENCE.

The 4 stones in center represent animals you attune to and plug into you, they are your secret Spirit Keepers aks secret keepers or spirit keepers.  These you find on your own.

There are 29 stones total
Center stone – Purple –represents Center, Above and Below

There are 11 directions

1.       East – Male – Straight Male
2.       South – Male and Feminine – Gay man
3.       West – Feminine – Straight Female
4.       North – Female and Male – Gay Female
5.       NE
6.       SE
7.       SW
8.       NW
9.       Above
10.   Below
11.   Center

11 is important

Lesson 3 - Project Smudge Fan

Lesson 3 Project – Smudge fan

My project was to create a smudge fan.  I decided I would create one dedicated to my Medicine Wheel.  Here is what I made.

Lesson 3 - Pondering and Meditation Assignments

Lesson 3


It is through inward exploration that we find the treasures of this life and its meanings.  As we move through the phases established by what we call time we stand in the mode of creation.  Creation of a life that is set by our footsteps and choices.  As we continue to spiral down deeper into this physical façade we are longer who we were, unrecognizable even to self.  Yet a small voice that lies deep within each of us whispers and we know that it is time for a treasure hunt and we become the Seekers.  Like all treasure hunts we must clear our way to find the path that leads us to that treasure that we all seek after.   Through the exploration and examination of the rubble and debris that has masked our views of clarity we begin to sift through what is still useable and what no longer will serve in our purpose.   Through this process of exploration we are gifted small treasures that bring sparks of joy and leave us longing to reach our goal.  We move on clearing the way and through these discoveries we may even be planting new seeds to sprout and remind us of this wondrous journey we have ventured too.   We begin to recognize that our life is becoming lighter and less worrisome.  We can even breath more easily, yet we still hunger for the treasure that we are seeking and know that only we have the true map buried within our own self.  There in the mists of darkness and stillness and small beacon of a spark shines brightly.  There rests our treasure, we have finally reached the place we have strived for and when we step into the glow of that sparks light fullness engulfs us and a true understanding and knowingness fill our essence that the treasure has always been within and only a step away, hidden by the jungle we created.  Here is home, here is peace and joy, here is true self, here is the collective oneness of all.


When I read this I felt like I was talking to my students.  I tell them that reading gives you knowledge yet knowing is only half of the gift of learning.  The other half can only be obtained by practicing what you have learnt.  By practicing and allowing it to become part of your daily routine, it soon becomes part of you and a true knowingness takes place and an awareness that can only be achieve through doing.  One will also be filled with the essences of true accomplishment in knowing that their work and efforts has brought to them a precious gift of being true to self and recognizing true self is a joy and blessing.

Lesson 3b - Medicine Wheel Uses Notes

Lesson 3b         Medicine Wheel Uses

1.     Exploration
·         Journeying, a place to heal, to learn, to teach, create and one of the places we consciously incarnate.  We journey to work with those that have transitioned from here to the other side or passed the veil.  In journey we are inspired by our ancestors, our guides and our past and future self.  We find hope of the future.  For there are many ways to journey, this is one of the ways Corrrellian Shamans journey.  We always prefix all journeying with releasing and grounding and request protection from our ancestors, we ask for guidance from our guides and power animals, we also invoke the God and Goddess.  Then we go into a light trance state, which is the alpha state, and then go into stillness.  With strong focus tell your consciousness where you want to travel and what you desire to do.  The mind can visit anywhere, anytime and any being.  After our visits we then thank our guides, the God and Goddess, our power animals that have lent their assistance.

2.     Exploring the 7 spheres of existence
·         Start with releasing and grounding, ending with stillness and as we go through these few steps we stand on the South side of the medicine wheel facing the blue road.  See the wheel take on a human form.  Allow the wheel to inform you as to where you are in this reality system.  We are in the physical, the lowest vibration; this is where we experience physical form and physical sensation.  And God helps us as we move through the physical.  Then we move to the emotional where we fully feel emotions.  Then we move to the utilize these feelings to manifest our life or tear down things that need to be torn down.  Sometimes things need to be torn down to become stronger and healthier.  The we move up to the next plane or sphere, the Mental sphere of existence.  This is where we learn how to understand abstract thought and abstract precepts.  Then we move up to the Astral, and once again all of these planes aren’t as simple and many of them overlap and many of them have many layers.  On this Astral plane this is were we learn how to operate on this plane.  Then we learn how to create our own existence and it conditions and pull it into the physical plane or another plane.  Then we move to the Soul and there is a higher vibration where we develop traits that make a unique part of Deity.  Then the Monadic plane, Monadic has layers and part of us which is Devine, it thinks it is separate from the whole.  Then the Divine plane which is the highest vibration.  This is where we experience firsthand that we are one with all existence and this where Goddess is.  We end up in her loving arms.

3.     Soul Healing
·         Placement of the stones that are calling you and placing them on your body is a form of soul healing.  Ask the animal medicine and stone nation where you should place these small stones on your body.  They will direct your hand.  Ask Animal medicine and Stone Nation to heal you on emotional level, then ask them to heal you at mental level and then at soul level.  Allowing medicine to seep into your wounded spirit, take your time and enjoy this process.
Note:  Most healings do not occur in one treatment.  Healing too is a journey

4.     Revisiting past lives
·         Go through all the steps of grounding and releasing, come into stillness, this time we are in Center of the Wheel.  Allow your 3rd eye to focus on one of the stones.  Pick the up and hold it in your hand.  Returning to the Wheel of Center go deeper into stillness.  Request 1 life to step forward through this stone which represents an entire stone nation.  It may take 5 seconds or much longer, be patient and one of your past lives that in actuality you are now living will show its self to you.  If it does not go into dream and there is where it is waiting for you.

5.     Designing your next life
·         Learning how to consciously incarnate.  Go through all prep steps to stillness, deeper and deeper.  Sit in the East on the Wheel, this position on the wheel represents birth.  Begin with the first stone and honor it in all ist wisdom.  Then move to the next stone and do the same.  Honor yourself and the wise choices you will make when creating your next life.  As you ponder on each stone and what it represents ask yours, “What do I want to experience in my next life?” “What do I want to do to make my next life better?”  all the nations better, all the world better.  One of the reasons why we are here is to create a better place.  When individuals say we are here to learn lessons that is correct, however that is only half the plan, we are always learning which is a receptive action, we are also designed to be creators of our reality.  As individuals and collectively, yes these are truly deep waters.

6.      Preforming divination
·         Preforming divination for another or yourself.  As you ask your quarent questions, instruct them to select a stone that represents their answer.  Once you have finished asking your questions, tell your quarent what animal medicine and stone nation they have chosen and inform them of the meaning.  Tell them what that particular question or issue.  Keep track of where the quarent selects the stones on the wheel.  Did they select a stone in the East? Or in the Center?  Where the spirit keepers live.  Do not forget color as well, all having a meaningful vibration in message.

7.      Placing your Altar tools within your Wheel
·         This keeps them cleansed and charged.  You can place any tools you use on a regular basis like your tarot deck etc.

8.      Meeting Your Guides
·         Your Spirit Guides while sitting or walking the hoop.  Ask Spirit to reveal your spirit guide.  Ask to reveal 1 guide at a time.  Make the time to know your guides.

9.      Dreams
·         While sitting in the hoop, the wheel helps you remember your past dreams.  Ask on of the rock nations and animals to help you remember a dream you had last night or last year.

10.                         Visiting the Father Sky Medicine Wheel
·         Ask Father Sky to show you either a sunbow or a moonbow or ask Mother Earth to show you a rainbow.  Imagine the other half under the soil so you can enjoy the full power of the hoop.  Then sit and drink in its beauty, strength and joy.  You may or may not hear whispers in directions or a touch on your shoulder of encouragement.  Allow its medicine to fill you.

11.                         Finding your Peace
·         It is always easy to know if a person is truly at peace by what comes out of their mouth.  For a person that is peaceful, peaceful things come out of their mouths.  So its important to dwell in the place of this medicine wheel and it will let you know where you shall rest.  For finding peace is just that, resting in the loving arms of the Goddess.

12.                         Distant Healing
·         Distant healing may be performed in a very effectual manner using the medicine wheel.  Allow the medicine wheel to teach you this in journey.

13.                         Telling the Story
·         Have everyone sit in a circle within the medicine wheel.  Pass the stones around the circle.  Instruct the group to keep passing them around until Spirit say Ready.  Then lay the stones on the ground.  Each person takes a turn creating a story that happens on this ground where everyone is sitting.  Depending on the group and their trusting each other some pretty amazing stories can be produced.  And many times the Universe gives amazing conformation.  Everyone has insight and knowledge to add to the chaldron of life.  Everyone is a Psychic.  Everyone is intuitive.  Everybody is wise.  If everyone saw with clear eyes, everyone would be jumping for joy

Lesson 3 - Animal Medicine North

Lesson 3a  Correllian Shaman       Medicine Wheel



16     Stag
·         When stag medicine enters your life it can be a reminder that there are other possibilities in each situation you face
·         Sometimes when we think things are falling apart the fact is it is a birthing
·         Stag is strong and brings strength
·         Stag represents regeneration
·         The light forces
·         Protection
·         The spirit world
·         As we move from spiritual to physical as we find balance between spiritual and the mundane
·         Reminder to take a break
·         Symbol of adventure
·         It welcome you to the other world
·         Its season is all seasons
·         Reminds of the golden nugget of compassion
·         Leadership – be strong and gentle
·         Filled with grace
·         Strength and character – always self-evaluate
·         Willingness to be the fore runner

17     Mouse
·         They bring attention to detail
·         Nocturnal
·         Mice live in homes of other animals and they don’t build their own
o   Their nests are sphere shaped with a door that opens and closes
·         Mice move from one abode to another often
·         They are nomadic
·         Keep themselves clean and neat except the house mouse tha is the opposite
·         Maybe saying – Stop moving around so much or time to move on, or you need to tidy up
·         Could be telling you that you are paying to much attention to one area of your life and neglecting the others
·         They only survive because of their numbers. 
o   This could be telling you to pay attention to the numbers around you such as community.  How are you treating the others around you?  Maybe you need to step out more into community
·         You cannot see the forest for the trees – so what is going on around you that you are not paying attention to
·         Your energies maybe scattered, have you lost focus?
·         Represents the Goddess

18     Beaver
·         Builders, visionary builders
·         Tearing done and building up skills
·         Organization skills
·         Aspen and popular tree barks are the beavers favorite foods
o   Look at the correspondence to these trees that may give more insights
·         Questions:
o   Have you neglected your dreams? Family? Home? Vision?
·         You must interpret what the medicine means to you

19     Wolf
·         Very intelligent
·         Protects itself by staying in packs
·         Fearless
·         Leads you to the other world
·         Teaches you how to help others
·         Is valuable when you need to outwit those who want to harm you
·         When you are seeking the meaning of dreams and when you seek the desire of protection
·         Pure wisdom
·         Has both light and dark aspects
·         Familiar of the Gods – in mythology
·         Omen of victory and valor
·         Seen as the protector of the abandoned children


20     Squirrel
·         Represents for you to decide or prepare for the future
·         All seasons
·         Very sociable
·         Hole diggers and storers
·         Problem solvers
·         Persistent
·         Enthusiastic
·         Observant
·         Learns best by doing
·         Tells you put down the book and put it to practice
·         Lines of communication open?
·         Represents wide open clear lines of communication
·         Effective communicator
·         Represents Balance