Lesson 3 - Pondering and Meditation Assignments

Lesson 3


It is through inward exploration that we find the treasures of this life and its meanings.  As we move through the phases established by what we call time we stand in the mode of creation.  Creation of a life that is set by our footsteps and choices.  As we continue to spiral down deeper into this physical façade we are longer who we were, unrecognizable even to self.  Yet a small voice that lies deep within each of us whispers and we know that it is time for a treasure hunt and we become the Seekers.  Like all treasure hunts we must clear our way to find the path that leads us to that treasure that we all seek after.   Through the exploration and examination of the rubble and debris that has masked our views of clarity we begin to sift through what is still useable and what no longer will serve in our purpose.   Through this process of exploration we are gifted small treasures that bring sparks of joy and leave us longing to reach our goal.  We move on clearing the way and through these discoveries we may even be planting new seeds to sprout and remind us of this wondrous journey we have ventured too.   We begin to recognize that our life is becoming lighter and less worrisome.  We can even breath more easily, yet we still hunger for the treasure that we are seeking and know that only we have the true map buried within our own self.  There in the mists of darkness and stillness and small beacon of a spark shines brightly.  There rests our treasure, we have finally reached the place we have strived for and when we step into the glow of that sparks light fullness engulfs us and a true understanding and knowingness fill our essence that the treasure has always been within and only a step away, hidden by the jungle we created.  Here is home, here is peace and joy, here is true self, here is the collective oneness of all.


When I read this I felt like I was talking to my students.  I tell them that reading gives you knowledge yet knowing is only half of the gift of learning.  The other half can only be obtained by practicing what you have learnt.  By practicing and allowing it to become part of your daily routine, it soon becomes part of you and a true knowingness takes place and an awareness that can only be achieve through doing.  One will also be filled with the essences of true accomplishment in knowing that their work and efforts has brought to them a precious gift of being true to self and recognizing true self is a joy and blessing.

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