Lesson 3 - Animal Medicine North

Lesson 3a  Correllian Shaman       Medicine Wheel



16     Stag
·         When stag medicine enters your life it can be a reminder that there are other possibilities in each situation you face
·         Sometimes when we think things are falling apart the fact is it is a birthing
·         Stag is strong and brings strength
·         Stag represents regeneration
·         The light forces
·         Protection
·         The spirit world
·         As we move from spiritual to physical as we find balance between spiritual and the mundane
·         Reminder to take a break
·         Symbol of adventure
·         It welcome you to the other world
·         Its season is all seasons
·         Reminds of the golden nugget of compassion
·         Leadership – be strong and gentle
·         Filled with grace
·         Strength and character – always self-evaluate
·         Willingness to be the fore runner

17     Mouse
·         They bring attention to detail
·         Nocturnal
·         Mice live in homes of other animals and they don’t build their own
o   Their nests are sphere shaped with a door that opens and closes
·         Mice move from one abode to another often
·         They are nomadic
·         Keep themselves clean and neat except the house mouse tha is the opposite
·         Maybe saying – Stop moving around so much or time to move on, or you need to tidy up
·         Could be telling you that you are paying to much attention to one area of your life and neglecting the others
·         They only survive because of their numbers. 
o   This could be telling you to pay attention to the numbers around you such as community.  How are you treating the others around you?  Maybe you need to step out more into community
·         You cannot see the forest for the trees – so what is going on around you that you are not paying attention to
·         Your energies maybe scattered, have you lost focus?
·         Represents the Goddess

18     Beaver
·         Builders, visionary builders
·         Tearing done and building up skills
·         Organization skills
·         Aspen and popular tree barks are the beavers favorite foods
o   Look at the correspondence to these trees that may give more insights
·         Questions:
o   Have you neglected your dreams? Family? Home? Vision?
·         You must interpret what the medicine means to you

19     Wolf
·         Very intelligent
·         Protects itself by staying in packs
·         Fearless
·         Leads you to the other world
·         Teaches you how to help others
·         Is valuable when you need to outwit those who want to harm you
·         When you are seeking the meaning of dreams and when you seek the desire of protection
·         Pure wisdom
·         Has both light and dark aspects
·         Familiar of the Gods – in mythology
·         Omen of victory and valor
·         Seen as the protector of the abandoned children


20     Squirrel
·         Represents for you to decide or prepare for the future
·         All seasons
·         Very sociable
·         Hole diggers and storers
·         Problem solvers
·         Persistent
·         Enthusiastic
·         Observant
·         Learns best by doing
·         Tells you put down the book and put it to practice
·         Lines of communication open?
·         Represents wide open clear lines of communication
·         Effective communicator
·         Represents Balance

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