Lesson 3b - Medicine Wheel Uses Notes

Lesson 3b         Medicine Wheel Uses

1.     Exploration
·         Journeying, a place to heal, to learn, to teach, create and one of the places we consciously incarnate.  We journey to work with those that have transitioned from here to the other side or passed the veil.  In journey we are inspired by our ancestors, our guides and our past and future self.  We find hope of the future.  For there are many ways to journey, this is one of the ways Corrrellian Shamans journey.  We always prefix all journeying with releasing and grounding and request protection from our ancestors, we ask for guidance from our guides and power animals, we also invoke the God and Goddess.  Then we go into a light trance state, which is the alpha state, and then go into stillness.  With strong focus tell your consciousness where you want to travel and what you desire to do.  The mind can visit anywhere, anytime and any being.  After our visits we then thank our guides, the God and Goddess, our power animals that have lent their assistance.

2.     Exploring the 7 spheres of existence
·         Start with releasing and grounding, ending with stillness and as we go through these few steps we stand on the South side of the medicine wheel facing the blue road.  See the wheel take on a human form.  Allow the wheel to inform you as to where you are in this reality system.  We are in the physical, the lowest vibration; this is where we experience physical form and physical sensation.  And God helps us as we move through the physical.  Then we move to the emotional where we fully feel emotions.  Then we move to the utilize these feelings to manifest our life or tear down things that need to be torn down.  Sometimes things need to be torn down to become stronger and healthier.  The we move up to the next plane or sphere, the Mental sphere of existence.  This is where we learn how to understand abstract thought and abstract precepts.  Then we move up to the Astral, and once again all of these planes aren’t as simple and many of them overlap and many of them have many layers.  On this Astral plane this is were we learn how to operate on this plane.  Then we learn how to create our own existence and it conditions and pull it into the physical plane or another plane.  Then we move to the Soul and there is a higher vibration where we develop traits that make a unique part of Deity.  Then the Monadic plane, Monadic has layers and part of us which is Devine, it thinks it is separate from the whole.  Then the Divine plane which is the highest vibration.  This is where we experience firsthand that we are one with all existence and this where Goddess is.  We end up in her loving arms.

3.     Soul Healing
·         Placement of the stones that are calling you and placing them on your body is a form of soul healing.  Ask the animal medicine and stone nation where you should place these small stones on your body.  They will direct your hand.  Ask Animal medicine and Stone Nation to heal you on emotional level, then ask them to heal you at mental level and then at soul level.  Allowing medicine to seep into your wounded spirit, take your time and enjoy this process.
Note:  Most healings do not occur in one treatment.  Healing too is a journey

4.     Revisiting past lives
·         Go through all the steps of grounding and releasing, come into stillness, this time we are in Center of the Wheel.  Allow your 3rd eye to focus on one of the stones.  Pick the up and hold it in your hand.  Returning to the Wheel of Center go deeper into stillness.  Request 1 life to step forward through this stone which represents an entire stone nation.  It may take 5 seconds or much longer, be patient and one of your past lives that in actuality you are now living will show its self to you.  If it does not go into dream and there is where it is waiting for you.

5.     Designing your next life
·         Learning how to consciously incarnate.  Go through all prep steps to stillness, deeper and deeper.  Sit in the East on the Wheel, this position on the wheel represents birth.  Begin with the first stone and honor it in all ist wisdom.  Then move to the next stone and do the same.  Honor yourself and the wise choices you will make when creating your next life.  As you ponder on each stone and what it represents ask yours, “What do I want to experience in my next life?” “What do I want to do to make my next life better?”  all the nations better, all the world better.  One of the reasons why we are here is to create a better place.  When individuals say we are here to learn lessons that is correct, however that is only half the plan, we are always learning which is a receptive action, we are also designed to be creators of our reality.  As individuals and collectively, yes these are truly deep waters.

6.      Preforming divination
·         Preforming divination for another or yourself.  As you ask your quarent questions, instruct them to select a stone that represents their answer.  Once you have finished asking your questions, tell your quarent what animal medicine and stone nation they have chosen and inform them of the meaning.  Tell them what that particular question or issue.  Keep track of where the quarent selects the stones on the wheel.  Did they select a stone in the East? Or in the Center?  Where the spirit keepers live.  Do not forget color as well, all having a meaningful vibration in message.

7.      Placing your Altar tools within your Wheel
·         This keeps them cleansed and charged.  You can place any tools you use on a regular basis like your tarot deck etc.

8.      Meeting Your Guides
·         Your Spirit Guides while sitting or walking the hoop.  Ask Spirit to reveal your spirit guide.  Ask to reveal 1 guide at a time.  Make the time to know your guides.

9.      Dreams
·         While sitting in the hoop, the wheel helps you remember your past dreams.  Ask on of the rock nations and animals to help you remember a dream you had last night or last year.

10.                         Visiting the Father Sky Medicine Wheel
·         Ask Father Sky to show you either a sunbow or a moonbow or ask Mother Earth to show you a rainbow.  Imagine the other half under the soil so you can enjoy the full power of the hoop.  Then sit and drink in its beauty, strength and joy.  You may or may not hear whispers in directions or a touch on your shoulder of encouragement.  Allow its medicine to fill you.

11.                         Finding your Peace
·         It is always easy to know if a person is truly at peace by what comes out of their mouth.  For a person that is peaceful, peaceful things come out of their mouths.  So its important to dwell in the place of this medicine wheel and it will let you know where you shall rest.  For finding peace is just that, resting in the loving arms of the Goddess.

12.                         Distant Healing
·         Distant healing may be performed in a very effectual manner using the medicine wheel.  Allow the medicine wheel to teach you this in journey.

13.                         Telling the Story
·         Have everyone sit in a circle within the medicine wheel.  Pass the stones around the circle.  Instruct the group to keep passing them around until Spirit say Ready.  Then lay the stones on the ground.  Each person takes a turn creating a story that happens on this ground where everyone is sitting.  Depending on the group and their trusting each other some pretty amazing stories can be produced.  And many times the Universe gives amazing conformation.  Everyone has insight and knowledge to add to the chaldron of life.  Everyone is a Psychic.  Everyone is intuitive.  Everybody is wise.  If everyone saw with clear eyes, everyone would be jumping for joy

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