Assignments 2 - Ponder and Meditation

Ponder 2- loving concern for the environment in which you dwell

Like all things in this life, if we are not conscious of them, then they are not recognized within us. All things are connected. If we do not nurture that which we are part of, it then begins to wither away, leaving a barren non functioning aspect. In return we become Barren in many areas of our life. If we continue in this manner we become empty shells and parish/or are destroyed.
They did not truly destroy us. We do that to ourselves by abandoning  our own recognition and connections to them.

Meditation 2- who am I.

Upon the first incarnation I believe were true self. Fully aware of true self – I am – a spark of the divine. One of many, all parts of the whole. In order to experience this incarnation upon this planet, we are in need of a vehicle that would accommodate our physical presence and the abilities to interact on a physical level – a lower vibration. Hence the body, the senses of sight, smell, hearing, tasting, touching, etc. and a means to translate this information into our recall center, the mind.

Being of pure spirit at birth – through these sensory perceptions we begin to lay layer after layer of experiences upon self. Through these experiences we make choices of how we will deal with each of these experiences, our lessons begin. Life continues as this until one day we asked, who am I, this begins the second part of our journey, our journey back to the true self, a wondrous and magical journey filled with both hardship of releasement (fearing the unknown) and embracing clarity of self. To make a long story short – we spend some part of our life building a creation, a perception of a person that we believe will fit and be accepted in this world. Layer after layer of masquerade, at some point we become aware that we no longer recognize self – and we begin the task of releasement, removing the layers of disguise to reconnect on a conscious level with the true self, higher self.

Who am I?,  I am a divine being, which spends part of my time here for physical involution and then the second part of my time on a conscious spiritual evolution.

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