Lesson 8 - Story - Meditation and Pondering Assignments

Greetings to All,

Lesson 8               Correllian Shamanism


Daughter of the Sun

Don’t let rivalry get the better part of you, for over compensating to rival over can cause more loss then gain.  Be honest and forthcoming to make change, trickery and deceit will always fail in the end.  Kindness, caring, laughter and joy can turn the darkest day to illuminate a life.

What Stars are Like

Illuminated life seeds from the universe, down to earth to sow its’ will and up again to watch over and guide.


The world as we see it is a mirror of our own reflections.  As above, so Below, As the universe so the Soul, as Within, so without.  We are the creators of our experiences and by our reflections within we make our choices, these choices we witness as our life’s events.  Smile and the world will smile with you, cry and you shall have many a gloomy and rainy days, live by dishonor and deceit and you shall know no truth or respect. Live in love and joy and you will know love and experience much joy.


Believing in the Star people as I do, this concept is a reality to my psyche.  I am seed of the star people therefore I am of the star dust, that which illuminates the wisdom within and brings it forth in this realm to be shared by all that desire to bring forth the light of the universe.  We all have this gift to share once we come to understand and embrace it.  It is found in the stillness.

Blessings as Always,

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