Lesson 11 Assignment

Lesson 11  Story – The Cherokee Gods and Their Abiding Places

I enjoyed this story, yet I did not get a lot of new information from it.  Most of what was in the story has been what we have been learning in the Animal medicine portion of making our medicine wheels.  The clarity in this story for me was that the healer or medicine person would call upon the related predatory animals to remove the ills.  I also think that though the healing takes place and traces of the ill is still left behind reminds me that the healers can only do so much to bring about the healing and the patient must actively participate in the healing process.  “Gods help those that help themselves”.


The pondering reminds me of my thoughts on contractual incarnation process once we have left this human form.  In the other world we go through a process of awareness and then a process of introspection or review and then finally we go into the process of planning the next incarnation.  During this process we have what I call our soul family, our soul helpers and soul extras for lack of a better word.  We contract on who will be our next mother and father, sister and brother if any.  These are very intimate relationships and are usually the same soul family throughout our incarnations.  Yet we may be the child in this incarnation, in the next we may be the mother or father in the next.  These are the lessons or the main lessons of the heart we will learn.  Then we contract with our soul helpers, these are the souls we contract with to come into our lives in our incarnation to reflect the lessons we have to learn in the next incarnation or to continue work that we started in the past incarnation.  Because we have free will and our choices are ours to make, no matter what we planned on, depending on those choices we may need our soul extras to pop in there and reflect or remind us of different aspects and lessons associated with that particular choice.

Now with all that being said we also have the concept of Live Conscious Contractual Incarnation and many of our Soul Extras will play a big part in this aspect.  This is where we have our trusted ones in the physical world that will assist us both in this physical realm of the now and in the other worlds once we pass over to complete a planned incarnation.  These trusted helpers will watch for signs of our incarnation and once determined we are the incarnate they will assist us in remembering our plans, so that we may continue the work we were doing in the this life (for our helpers) or (recent previous life of the incarnate). 

Ok, I’ve gone on about this idea long enough LOL


I would say, I agree with this thought.  Since all realms are simultaneous.  A feeling or event about to happen is the future, when it happens it is the present and a moment after it happens it is the past.  All possibilities are playing out at the same time on different dimensions there for every aspect of that joy is experienced as well.

I may be a little off base with these, yet these were my thoughts and feelings when I read the assignment.

Blessings as Always,

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